On July 12, 2013 the EMS Group published its provisional half-year report 2013. The definitive consolidated half-year report is now available based on the individual financial statements of the affiliated companies as at June 30, 2013. The definitive half-year report contains no significant deviations from the provisional report.
On July 12, 2013 the EMS Group published its provisional half-year report 2013. The definitive consolidated half-year report is now available based on the individual financial statements of the affiliated companies as at June 30, 2013. The definitive half-year report contains no significant deviations from the provisional report.
On July 12, 2013 the EMS Group published its provisional half-year report 2013. The definitive consolidated half-year report is now available based on the individual financial statements of the affiliated companies as at June 30, 2013. The definitive half-year report contains no significant deviations from the provisional report.
The consolidated net sales rose by 5.5% to CHF 954 million (904). This is an increase of 5.7% in local currencies and by 2.9% with the same scope of consolidation.
The net operating income (EBIT) rose by 9.1% to CHF 183 million (168).
Net financial income amounted to CHF 12 million (1).
Net income for the first half of 2013 amounted to CHF 156 million (142), which is 9.6% above previous year.
Equity increased to CHF 1'287 million (31.12.2012: CHF 1'138 million). The equity ratio is 69.2% (31.12.2012: 68.5%).